IF we ever paint with Oils together...
IF you're looking to learn more about the use of oils as an illustrator---there's alot to learn! IF you would like to learn more about using oils in your projects, I can assist you by starting you with a basic supply lists.
Below is a helpful start to knowing what you may need when using oils:
1. Spill Proof metal container to store mineral spirits in
2. Mineral spirits (gamsol)
3. DAWN or IVORY Dish Detergent to clean brushes after mineral spirits
5. Liquin or Linseed Oil or Walnut Oil (liquin is quicker drying)
5. Palette--paper or make your own with a glass frame and spray paint. See tutorial at the bottom of the page. If you use a glass palette, you'll need a razor scraper.
6. Box of Rags (or old tee shirts to use) You don't need an entire box of rags, but you do need an old tee shirt or two.
The Key is to use the rags to keep the brushes clean and dry for control...and paper towels don't cut it (except maybe Viva brand)
7. OIL PAINT: Stay away from oil paint tubes with the word "Hue" in it. Often a student grade, not long lasting.
Titanium white
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red Light & Deep
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Ultramarine Blue
Prussian Blue
Cobalt Blue
Cerulean Blue
Alizarin Crimson
Raw Umber
Burnt Umber
Viridian Green
Ivory Black
If you can only afford a few small tubes opt for :
Titanium white
Burnt Sienna
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Ivory Black
CANVAS, Gessoed Masonite Board or other surface is acceptable for oils. You can also prime Illustration board and use it in a mixed media technique unprimed, but requires various techniques and materials.
Below is a helpful start to knowing what you may need when using oils:
1. Spill Proof metal container to store mineral spirits in
2. Mineral spirits (gamsol)
3. DAWN or IVORY Dish Detergent to clean brushes after mineral spirits
5. Liquin or Linseed Oil or Walnut Oil (liquin is quicker drying)
5. Palette--paper or make your own with a glass frame and spray paint. See tutorial at the bottom of the page. If you use a glass palette, you'll need a razor scraper.
6. Box of Rags (or old tee shirts to use) You don't need an entire box of rags, but you do need an old tee shirt or two.
The Key is to use the rags to keep the brushes clean and dry for control...and paper towels don't cut it (except maybe Viva brand)
7. OIL PAINT: Stay away from oil paint tubes with the word "Hue" in it. Often a student grade, not long lasting.
Titanium white
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Red Light & Deep
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Ultramarine Blue
Prussian Blue
Cobalt Blue
Cerulean Blue
Alizarin Crimson
Raw Umber
Burnt Umber
Viridian Green
Ivory Black
If you can only afford a few small tubes opt for :
Titanium white
Burnt Sienna
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Ivory Black
CANVAS, Gessoed Masonite Board or other surface is acceptable for oils. You can also prime Illustration board and use it in a mixed media technique unprimed, but requires various techniques and materials.
Mylar comes in rolls and sheets. For this class, the small sheets below would suffice.
If you prefer something larger in the future, just search for Mylar 5mil (or larger) single matte
If you prefer something larger in the future, just search for Mylar 5mil (or larger) single matte